We practice at Shelter Number 6Punggol Park , which is located in Hougang Town Area , Singapore. The park is located at the junction of Hougang Avenue 8 and Hougang Avenue 10, and is about 10 mins walk from Hougang MRT. Our Location in the park is 300 meters walk from the carpark/restaurant. Facing the central pond, turn right from the carpark and walk along the pavement . You will first past shelter number 7 on your right side which is about 50m from the carpark . The next shelter is number 6 where we practice,  as you continue to walk along the path .  Master Ng is at the Park daily ( Mon – Sun , except for some public holidays )  from 7am to 10am to oversee, teach, guide and facilitate students in their practice. Students can drop by anytime, any day and practice for any duration they like.